Sunday, July 15, 2007

Family Business

My mom likes to joke with her Young Professional fellowship that she works in the family business. Given the fact that her parents, siblings, husband, and self are all in the ministry, I guess that joke is valid.

Reflecting this background, my own immediate family is growing basically within the ministry. From joining children's choir at two years of age up to choosing to handle a leadership camp, I've always lived life within the boundaries of church ministries, as have my two brothers after me.

When the family was talking the other day, we realized that this morning would be a "typical Sunday." In other words, everyone has a job. My dad would be preaching, my mom would be worship-leading the children, I would be playing the piano for adult service, and my brother Dan playing for junior. It's a family business.

I am thankful to God for giving His grace to our entire family, allowing us all to serve Him together. However, there is always the tendency to take things for granted. I was born into this, raised into this, grown into this. Serving the Lord sometimes becomes no more significant than inheriting an earthly possession or trade from older relatives. Very often, I forget that I am an individual blessed individually by the Lord with an opportunity to serve Him.

As I was preparing my heart for worship this morning, God seemed to whisper to me, "Wen, who are you playing for?" That question, and the answer it required, called me to re-focus on the Lord.

Who am I playing for? At times, I play to impress. At times, I play for my family's legacy, and at other times, I play merely because I enjoy it. Serving the Lord is about more than expectations, family or otherwise. I must remember the honor and sacredness of serving Him...after all, I am a blessed individual serving one God alone.


Erica said...


Good post! I need to think about those same things when I play the piano or the guitar in church, or when I'm singing. Everything I do should be for the glory of God, and I think sometimes I forget that.

I just wanted to let you know that I posted your article "Lust is a Guy Thing...Is It?" on my blog. Thank you SO much for letting me do so; I really, really appreciate it. Your insight (both in that article and here on your blog) has been a blessing to me!

Erica (from the Rebelution's forums)

Anonymous said...

To the Audience of One. Soli Deo Gloria! Amen, and amen...Ü